Aiming to defund the police force while living in a major city is something I don't understand. The wait times for police are abysmal here and that includes calls with real emergencies - missing children, domestic violence - I wouldn't want the same for Toronto.
Police need better training over smaller budgets. If we can't attract good candidates to be officers with an appropriate pay and benefits then we get stuck with absolute shitheads.
It says I will seek their endorsement -- you still have time to stop me! Who would you recommend in University-Rosedale against Freeland? Someone who actually lives here, please.
Aiming to defund the police force while living in a major city is something I don't understand. The wait times for police are abysmal here and that includes calls with real emergencies - missing children, domestic violence - I wouldn't want the same for Toronto.
Police need better training over smaller budgets. If we can't attract good candidates to be officers with an appropriate pay and benefits then we get stuck with absolute shitheads.
Most spending increases do not improve response time but add military gear
Demilitarise police as an aim. If we "defund" our services get worse. Good luck with the campaign, I would vote for you.
Demilitarize is one aim for which defund is a strategy. Many thanks! Please write the federal NDP and ask them to endorse me against Freeland -- here's today's article:
I’m shocked the NDP allowed you to run under them, barrier to entry must be nonexistent.
It says I will seek their endorsement -- you still have time to stop me! Who would you recommend in University-Rosedale against Freeland? Someone who actually lives here, please.