[adapted from: https://www.facebook.com/adamgolding/posts/pfbid02aBG9ebd1nYD7v7hJxDXKQk9jcatQiD9CutMHHXHa149imS8Dq8AudVLbsNMRN98Bl]
Too many rifts. As life goes on and I meet more people, I start jumping ahead to imagining the part where we never speak again. It's easier for me than for others to take the following advice, because I've only learned to set hard boundaries with people in recent years, so I have fewer cases to consider, but consider checking in this holiday season on the best people you've shut out. Disposability culture and population density go hand-in-hand—be villagers? I know the popular theories but when do healthy boundaries become fair-weather friendship? When does space become lies by omission? It may just be the curse of the relatively-spooned or of those who are bad at setting their own boundaries, but I usually end up wondering why I was prepared to work so much harder.
"`I want a clean cup,' interrupted the Hatter: `let's all move one place on.'"
SEQUEL: https://adamgolding.substack.com/p/on-ideal-deliberative-distance