you have to consume dissonance to be safe
[almost unedited youtube transcript from
as it turns out we already used that
scale uh a fair bit in this duo we
haven't played together uh until uh
yesterday since uh before omicron a bit
earlier than that which happens to also
be uh what is it now day six of the
ukrainian invasion you know i said
earlier during covid that the historians
probably would say that world war three
began with covid 19 three calendar years
and uh well
you know i heard a saying years ago that
it is a policy of the kremlin that there
is no peace time in information war
and uh believe it or not we've already
been at war with the kremlin for some
time and they can't call it what it is
because that has the wrong implications
in terms of the weapons available
so you know at any rate they're involved
in cambridge analytica they're involved
in the trump campaign and brexit
probably funded even the trucker convoy
a little bit
um but
you have to understand that
banning rt is too far because
we cut out our eyes to spite
uh putin's heart and
the only inoculation--you've all followed
about vaccines--against disinformation
is dissonance and contradiction
you have to consume dissonance
to be safe
go consider contractory view points today