[People often tell me I look Jewish and I do have Jewish relatives by marriage but so far as I know, no Jewish ancestry.]
→ adamgoldingdotca and adam__ joined • Channel mode: +n
5:57 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
oh hi folks I'm an anarchist running in October
5:57 PM
didn't except to find ancaps just looking at toronto chat rooms
5:58 PM <dennisn>
5:58 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
you may have seen the posters that say "Anarchist Piano Lessons" -- now I'm running in University-Rosedale
5:58 PM
adamgolding.ca is my main campaign site for now
5:58 PM <dennisn>
do you know any ancap(y) companies? :p
5:59 PM
i dont think politicing/campaigning does anything
5:59 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
I'm working with a socialist group but of course believe in many market solutions--I'm not a complete free-market guy though, I keep tweeting at pollievre to read https://www.academia.edu/38139588/The_Incompletability_of_Markets
5:59 PM <dennisn>
it's simply an uncomfortable fact, that most people (like `join_subline ) are nasty amoral/immoral zombies who want to steal and enslave others
5:59 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
well if I were elected I would comission the development of direct democracy software, I'm also afilliated with The Pirate Party
6:00 PM <dennisn>
6:00 PM
what does "comission" mean
6:00 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
today we're only voting on the officiall tree
6:00 PM
get the government to pay programmers to develop software in the public interest
6:00 PM <dennisn>
6:00 PM
government has no money
6:00 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
toronto's official tree is now the oak
6:01 PM
well I would defund the police by 50%
6:01 PM <dennisn>
anywho, like i said, the people have spoken
6:01 PM
they want slavery
6:01 PM
6:01 PM
i dont see how voting/politics heps
6:01 PM
will help*
6:01 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
10% of that can go to building affordable housing, 40% to reducing propeerty tax or maybe for the software developers
6:01 PM <dennisn>
6:01 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
rent control has helped me, we could have had even less of it
6:02 PM <dennisn>
sure, stealing helps thieves, so what
6:02 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
cerb has helped me, it could have been half the value if the ndp hadn't pushed the libs to double it
6:02 PM <dennisn>
what's cerb
6:02 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
taxation is only theft if democracy is not direct enough
6:02 PM <dennisn>
no, it's theft by definition
6:02 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
the emergeny payment given to peopel would couldn't work by law due to covid regulations
6:02 PM <dennisn>
if it was voluntary, it'd be called something else, like a "fee"
6:02 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
by which definition?
6:02 PM <dennisn>
like any other service
6:02 PM
by The definition
6:02 PM
it doesnt ask people to pay
6:02 PM
it violently forces them to
6:03 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
please state what you take to be the definition of theft
6:03 PM <dennisn>
taking without consent
6:03 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
okay and if democracy were more direct would there be more consent to laws?
6:03 PM <dennisn>
those are foggy vague words
6:03 PM
no means no
6:03 PM
when i say no, and they still take shit, that's theft
6:03 PM
it's not complicated
6:04 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
lol I would say it is far more complicated than that
6:04 PM <dennisn>
6:04 PM
"no i dont want to pay for your doctors"
6:04 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
what you say might be reasonable as a default position as opposed to a final position
6:04 PM <dennisn>
how is that not simple?
6:04 PM
"no i dont want to pay for your kid's shitty schools"
6:04 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
I adopt chomskys definition of anarchism as a tendency to question power, domination, and submission,a nd that does mean questioning taxation
6:04 PM <dennisn>
very simple
6:05 PM
chomsky is so contradictory
6:05 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
but some power differences can be justified
6:05 PM <dennisn>
sometimes he's against gov
6:05 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
I somehow doubt that
6:05 PM <dennisn>
other times he's for gov, to fight corporations
6:05 PM
6:05 PM
theft is never justified
6:05 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
that's not contradictory, he thinks there is a high burden of proof to justify any given government power but that it can sometimes be met
6:05 PM <dennisn>
hurting innocent people is never justified
6:05 PM
he's not an anarhcist
6:05 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
he's the most famous anarchist
6:05 PM <dennisn>
i disagree
6:05 PM
but that's irrelevant
6:05 PM
it depends who you ask
6:06 PM
lefties love him
6:06 PM
cuz he's alefty faggot
6:06 PM
anti-war people used to like him
6:06 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
excuse me?
6:06 PM <dennisn>
but i'm not sure he's still pushing that message
6:06 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
what's wrong with faggots?
6:06 PM <dennisn>
you know what i meant
6:06 PM
has he spoken out against the fake ukraine war?
6:06 PM
maybe he's too old to be active now
6:06 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
why would use a homophobic slur?
6:07 PM <dennisn>
it wasnt homophobic, obviously
6:07 PM
i'm insulted that you thought that
6:07 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
you're conflating psychology with meaning
6:07 PM
and effect
6:07 PM <dennisn>
6:07 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
the effects of speaking that way are to enable homophobia culturally
6:07 PM <dennisn>
you implied a very insulting meaning to my common usage of a word
6:07 PM
6:07 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
no, I assumed the above
6:07 PM <dennisn>
i'm not responsible for what other people do
6:07 PM
im not homophobic
6:07 PM
it's a fun word
6:07 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
you're responsible for the effects of your actions
6:07 PM
speech is an action
6:07 PM <dennisn>
fags use it often too
6:08 PM
it's all about context
6:08 PM
6:08 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
therefore you are responsible for the effects of your speech
6:08 PM <dennisn>
but not for other PEOPLE
6:08 PM
cuz of free will
6:08 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
you are in the grip of binary, ideological thinking
6:08 PM <dennisn>
people are free to choose how to behave
6:08 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
watch this:
6:08 PM <dennisn>
i wish i could control them
6:08 PM
of even affect them at all
6:08 PM <adam__> Adam Golding
6:08 PM
there are many false binaries in your worldview
6:08 PM
I imagine gender is also one of them
6:08 PM <dennisn>
we're going off topic
6:09 PM
adam__ → adamgolding
6:09 PM <dennisn>
this fake "issue" is gay :p
6:09 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
what can I say there are many different problems with what you say we coudl discuss
6:09 PM
but the msot objectionable is your use of a homophobic slur
6:09 PM
so I will start there
6:09 PM <dennisn>
thats absurd and you know it
6:09 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
don't do that
6:09 PM
no it's absolutely correct
6:09 PM
how old are you?
6:09 PM <dennisn>
dont tell other peopel how to talk - how about we start there?
6:09 PM
40 this year
6:09 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
6:10 PM <dennisn>
6:10 PM
6:10 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
you are telling me how to talk now
6:10 PM <dennisn>
also, dont insult people
6:10 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
this is inconsistent
6:10 PM
I may in fact insult you very soon
6:10 PM <dennisn>
you started with the very serious insult
6:10 PM
i insulted nobody
6:10 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
no you insulted chomsky homophobically
6:10 PM <dennisn>
you simply misunderstood what i said
6:10 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
how old are you?
6:10 PM
6:10 PM
how old are you?
6:10 PM <dennisn>
chomsky insulted me first
6:10 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
how old are you?
6:10 PM <dennisn>
by advocating violence against me
6:10 PM
i answered you
6:10 PM
it's not like i hate him out of the blue
6:10 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
ah I see
6:10 PM
well, 40 year old man, grow up
6:10 PM <dennisn>
i have a very justified reason why i hate that faggot
6:10 PM
6:11 PM
6:11 PM
maybe you're wrong?
6:11 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
your approach to the subject is juvenline and embarrassing
6:11 PM <dennisn>
you're super insulting
6:11 PM
first you say i hate gays
6:11 PM
and then you tell me i'm immature
6:11 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
in response to your slur
6:11 PM <dennisn>
i never insulted you
6:11 PM
wtf is a "slur"
6:11 PM
i love gays
6:11 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
you tell me, what is a slur?
6:11 PM <dennisn>
i'd say it's something said when someone hates someone
6:11 PM
an insult
6:11 PM
expressing hatred
6:11 PM
or disgust
6:11 PM
or contempt
6:11 PM
none of this applies here
6:12 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
so a robot couldn't slur someone because it doesn't feel hate?
6:12 PM <dennisn>
YOU misunderstood thigns and assumed
6:12 PM
6:12 PM
so you should apologize
6:12 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
6:12 PM <dennisn>
6:12 PM
robots cant slur
6:12 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
so could a robot participate in slander?
6:12 PM <dennisn>
6:12 PM
i mean, how is it programmed
6:12 PM
with AI
6:12 PM <adamgolding> Adam Golding
6:12 PM <dennisn>
or preprogrammed scripts
6:12 PM
or random cointoss of a db of phrases
6:13 PM
anyways, afk for a bit
6:59 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
how about that city council, eh?
7:04 PM
⇐ adamgolding quit (uid550962@id-550962.tinside.irccloud.com)
10:01 PM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca: oi
10:02 PM
wdym city council?
Wednesday, May 25th, 2022
3:20 AM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
dennis press conference in 2 hours
8:17 AM
↔ `join_eggdreamnf, `join_subline and `join_cordblood nipped out
9:26 AM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca: instagram isnt letting me view that page without logging in -- what was it?
3:34 PM
↔ `join_subline, `join_cordblood and `join_eggdreamnf nipped out
4:23 PM
↔ `join_subline, `join_cordblood, `join_eggdreamnf and dennisn nipped out
Thursday, May 26th, 2022
9:34 AM
↔ dennisn nipped out
12:01 PM <dennisn>
12:01 PM
8:38 PM
⇐ `join_subline quit (~join_subl@135-23-248-130.cpe.pppoe.ca) Ping timeout: 258 seconds
Friday, May 27th, 2022
9:30 AM <dennisn>
Saturday, May 28th, 2022
4:56 AM
↔ `join_cordblood and `join_eggdreamnf nipped out
8:23 AM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca !!
Sunday, May 29th, 2022
4:09 PM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca !!!
10:09 PM
`join_eggdreamnf set the topic: Toronto,Ontario,Canada | 📝http://etherpad.opendev.org/toronto | 📆https://0x0.st/omOk.html | https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=toronto | 👥 Jitsi: http://8x8.vc/toronto | Adam Golding for Toronto City Councillor,Ward 11,University-Rosedale; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Toronto_municipal_election#Ward_11_University-Rosedale ; http://etherpad.opendev.org/university-rosedale
10:10 PM <dennisn>
my freedom is not up for voting
10:12 PM
— `join_eggdreamnf (-_-)/¯(o.o)
10:14 PM
`join_eggdreamnf → join_eggdreamnft
Monday, May 30th, 2022
4:24 AM
— `join_cordblood https://i.redd.it/624gpz2284n71.jpg | https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/pmy5yp/spotted_in_north_york_signs_for_a_candidate_we/
8:12 AM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca, you there?
8:26 AM <`join_cordblood> /join #cordblood | etherpad.opendev.org/cordblood
Il est aussi dans irc.ircnet.com/#toronto | https://netsplit.de/channels/?net=IRCnet&chat=%23toronto . Ou tu peux lui parler en personne, chaque Mecredi @19h00, http://maps.google.com/?q=669+College,Toronto |
| https://www.facebook.com/pg/beyondbside/events/ | https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/adam-golding-45120577503
8:26 AM <dennisn>
fuck you
8:27 AM
you're an NPC
8:27 AM
did you read the essay ruben mentioned to you on your podcast?
8:29 AM
— join_eggdreamnft Ici NLC: Non-Lire Caractère
8:40 AM <dennisn>
it's a very simple question. i wont lynch you if you didn't. why the fuck cant you answer the most basic fucking questions?
8:48 AM <join_eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
"A lot of analysts believed that they were being pressured to come to certain conclusions … . I talked to a lot of people who said, 'There was a lot of repetitive questioning. We were being asked to justify what we were saying again and again.' There were certainly people who felt they were being pushed beyond the evidence they had." |
8:48 AM
8:48 AM
Repetitive questions change clients' answers from a reluctant "perhaps" to a definite "for sure". The use of suggestive questioning by therapists changes perceptions and can cause entire memories to be created. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suggestive_question#Therapists
8:48 AM <dennisn>
you fucking retard
8:48 AM <join_eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
"Also reviewed are the impact of repetitive questioning, the challenges it raises for caregivers, and some effective intervention strategies that may be useful to diffuse the angst that caregivers experience with repetitive questioning." | Repetitive Questioning Exasperates Caregivers | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5768244/
8:48 AM <dennisn>
it's a simple point of fact
8:49 AM
you're so fucking stupid
8:49 AM
and dishonest
8:49 AM
and manipulative
8:49 AM
i wouldnt repeat the fucking question, if you just answered it like a sane human
8:49 AM
i'm repeating it cuz it's important
8:49 AM
you. fucking. retard.
8:50 AM
if you really dont want to answer it, a sane decent polite person would at the very least say this, and explain why
8:50 AM
instead of completely awkwardly ignoring the question
8:50 AM
you fucking psycho
8:52 AM
— join_eggdreamnft V(o.o)☮
8:53 AM <dennisn>
why arent you answering that basic question?
8:57 AM
— join_eggdreamnft 🐧🪑 https://i.imgur.com/p8TC1cE.jpg
8:57 AM <dennisn>
ah fuck off, i dont know why i bother with you
8:58 AM
(that was a dishonest meme too, you nasty piece of shit .. you were never going to)
3:20 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
@dennisn sorry I was afk
3:20 PM <dennisn>
3:21 PM
what do you think about join_eggdreamnft `join_cordblood .. he's a statist
3:21 PM
for example he thinks that it's okay to violently steal from people to pay for healthcare
3:21 PM
his mom did that
3:21 PM
i think she was a nurse
3:22 PM
and had no qualms about it
3:22 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
well I am nonbinary in my anarchism
3:22 PM <dennisn>
3:22 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
like chomsky I treat anarchism as psychological
3:22 PM <dennisn>
i didnt ask if you were binary in your anarchism
3:22 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
it's a tendency in thought
3:22 PM
to question power
3:22 PM <dennisn>
i asked you what you thought about join_eggdreamnft's support of evil
3:22 PM
and aggression
3:22 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so you can be a statist by degrees if you get good answers/justifications
3:22 PM <dennisn>
and theft
3:22 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
right that is binary
3:22 PM <dennisn>
3:22 PM
3:22 PM
ie. if this was a court case, would you imprison him
3:22 PM
that's binary
3:23 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
anarchism vs statism is a false binary
3:23 PM <dennisn>
i'm not asking about anarchism vs statism
3:23 PM
i'm asking about that guy's support of theft
3:23 PM
and violence
3:23 PM
he wants to steal my money
3:23 PM
3:23 PM
hm, ig you never chatted with him before
3:24 PM
well, i have
3:24 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I do not support the idea that 'taxation is theft' but I do support 'undemocratic taxation is theft' we need more democracy -- democracy at work and more direct democracy about our laws -- I am formerly of The Pirate Party and recently worked for the NDP
3:24 PM <dennisn>
i went on his "podcast" for 2 hrs explaining all this stuff
3:24 PM
explaining ancap
3:24 PM
and after TWO HOURS
3:24 PM
he STILL isnt able to define ancap
3:24 PM
what's up with that? ;)
3:24 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
yeah.. ancaps need to read "The Incompletability of Markets" from 2019
3:24 PM
including polievre
3:24 PM <dennisn>
give me one point from it
3:25 PM
one incompatibility
3:25 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
it is mathematically impossible for prices to reflect preferences accurately
3:25 PM <dennisn>
oh, incomplete
3:25 PM
3:25 PM
that is a nonsensical statement
3:25 PM
there is no "right price"
3:25 PM
no "correct price"
3:25 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
well you wanted a summary
3:25 PM <dennisn>
it's whatever a buyer and seller agree, at any given time
3:25 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
here is the paper https://www.academia.edu/38139588/The_Incompletability_of_Markets
3:25 PM <dennisn>
there is no right answer to how much anything should cost
3:26 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I can't get pollievre or freeland to read it
3:26 PM <dennisn>
yea i think i marked the link
3:26 PM
3:26 PM
3:26 PM
3:26 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I found it by looking for recent work on metapreferences
3:26 PM <dennisn>
you just mentioned something absurd
3:26 PM
maybe i misunderstood the question?
3:26 PM
ie. your idea about an "accurate price" is absurd
3:26 PM
3:27 PM
"accurate reflection of preferences"
3:27 PM
what does that even mean
3:27 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
this is in response to the common epistemic reasons for a 'totally' free market, whatever that means
3:27 PM <dennisn>
3:27 PM
i'm asking you to rephrase/explain your first statement
3:27 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
which one?
3:27 PM <dennisn>
about the accuracy of prices -_-
3:27 PM
to reflect preferences
3:28 PM
and what that has to do with morality/ancap
3:29 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
it means there will always be unpriced externalities which market regulation may seek to reflect
3:29 PM
progressive taxation is one example of such a regulation
3:30 PM <dennisn>
3:30 PM
that's a very different topic :p
3:30 PM
preferences .... vs "externalities"
3:30 PM
and what's your point with externalities
3:30 PM
what does that have to do with ancap
3:30 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
then why did I find this article about markets when I searched for 'metapreferences'? You will see the connection when you do the reading
3:30 PM <dennisn>
3:30 PM
so you cant explain it eh ;)
3:31 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I believe I just did
3:31 PM <dennisn>
you did not
3:31 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I may have to go soon if my student shows up
3:31 PM
if I suddenly disappear
3:31 PM <dennisn>
you just introduced a totally separate topic, externalities
3:31 PM
preferences != externalities
3:31 PM
although if you think about it, there is a connection
3:31 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I'm saying in summary, the article shows this connection between these two seemingly unrelated things
3:31 PM <dennisn>
ie. people do care about externalities
3:31 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
3:31 PM <dennisn>
3:31 PM
what's your point
3:31 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
we would prefer to not have an ecological catastrophe
3:32 PM <dennisn>
what does any of this have to do witha ncap/morality
3:32 PM
yes ofc
3:32 PM
3:32 PM
3:32 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
which means carbon is too cheap
3:32 PM <dennisn>
um no
3:32 PM
there's no such thing as "too cheap"
3:32 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
companies are not paying for the unpriced externalilty of polution
3:32 PM <dennisn>
that was my first point
3:32 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
too cheap relative to that preference
3:32 PM <dennisn>
you dont seem to be understanding what i'm saying
3:32 PM
3:32 PM
demonstrably false
3:32 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
okay let's focus on one statement then
3:32 PM
you go first
3:32 PM <dennisn>
people demonstrate their preferences by their actions
3:32 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
in part
3:32 PM <dennisn>
not necessarily price
3:33 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
3:33 PM <dennisn>
3:33 PM
i dont understand any of your points
3:33 PM
you're trying to dishonestly weasel in an justification for violence
3:33 PM
but you're to ashamed to say it directly :)
3:33 PM
what youre TRYING to say is we need evil big brother
3:33 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
lol so you think violence is never justified?
3:33 PM <dennisn>
to force us to pay a carbon tax
3:34 PM
cuz we're too retarded to take care of the environment voluntarily
3:34 PM
3:34 PM
3:34 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
when is violence justified?
3:34 PM <dennisn>
i cant believe you dont understand what ancap is either
3:34 PM
many times
3:34 PM
like with revenge
3:34 PM
3:34 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I am arguing against the ancap perpective
3:34 PM <dennisn>
i konw
3:34 PM
ancap is against the *initiation* of violence
3:34 PM
that's the nap
3:34 PM
surely you knew this?
3:34 PM
we'r enot pacifists
3:34 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
yes yes the NAP
3:34 PM <dennisn>
3:34 PM
3:35 PM
join_eggdreamnft: supports INITIATING violence
3:35 PM
against me
3:35 PM
and you
3:35 PM
and tonnes of other
3:35 PM
3:35 PM
he's a psycho
3:35 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I didn't say I agree with the NAP
3:35 PM <dennisn>
3:35 PM
i was afraid of that
3:35 PM
i hope you're just young and dumb
3:35 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
btw recently Emma Viegland explained the NAP to Sam Seder
3:35 PM <dennisn>
3:35 PM
when would you kill me?
3:35 PM
when is it okay to kill me?
3:35 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I'm not sure I can reduce all the cases to a rule accurate but I could give an example on either side
3:35 PM
3:35 PM <dennisn>
3:35 PM
just answer my question ffs
3:36 PM
you said you support initiating violence
3:36 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
this is part of the answer
3:36 PM <dennisn>
so when would you cage/kill me
3:36 PM
let's cut the bullshit :p
3:36 PM
(also... i have to say...
3:36 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I suppose I'm somewhat agnostic on the death penalty
3:36 PM <dennisn>
it's very cringe that you freaked out when i said a homo slur .... but nw you're saying you'd cage/kill/hurt me :D)
3:36 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
we've have to have very good evidence
3:36 PM <dennisn>
no youre not
3:36 PM
you said you dont support the NAP
3:37 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
the current standard of evidence for teh death penatly in the US Is surely too low
3:37 PM <dennisn>
which neessarily means youre okay with killing me
3:37 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
well obiously if you attempted to kill me I could kill you in self-defense but that's irrelevant to the NAP
3:37 PM <dennisn>
on join_eggdreamnft's podcast about ancap, we mentioned an esssay
3:37 PM
3:37 PM
i would only fight back after YOU started the fight with me
3:37 PM
YOU starte dit
3:38 PM
... we mentioned an essay about how every law is a threat of death
3:38 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I mean, are we assuming that we have prisons available to incarcerate people isntead of killing them?
3:38 PM <dennisn>
ask join_eggdreamnft to link it for you
3:38 PM
i dont think he even read it
3:38 PM
3:38 PM
i wont be kidnapped by evil fucks like you
3:38 PM
i'll resist being kidnapped
3:38 PM
3:38 PM
3:38 PM
when would you try to kidnap/ill me?
3:38 PM
3:39 PM
what's a valid reason in your mind, to kidnap/kill me?
3:39 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
hmm, not every law, but many law, including the 'no camping bylaw' in Toronto which shoudl be repealed--in the socialist alliance we agreed on a platform of defund the police by 'at least 50%' -- this would reduce the threat of death--repealing certain laws and defunding enforcement
3:39 PM <dennisn>
every law
3:39 PM
read the essay dude
3:39 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
3:39 PM <dennisn>
ask join_eggdreamnft
3:39 PM
he has it in his show notes
3:39 PM
and ask him if he read it
3:39 PM
but, let's get back to him for a se
3:39 PM
3:39 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
at least we can probably agree we shoudl repeal code 608
3:39 PM <dennisn>
so, again, i had a 2 hour podcast with him
3:39 PM
*exclusively* about ancap
3:40 PM
mostly just defining it
3:40 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
3:40 PM <dennisn>
and 5 months later...
3:40 PM
he never read the 2 short essays
3:40 PM
and cant define the word
3:40 PM
what can we conclude?
3:40 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
sounds exhausting
3:40 PM <dennisn>
3:40 PM
3:40 PM
he wanted me to do ANOTHER podcast with him about it
3:40 PM
should i?
3:40 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I did a podcast about relationship anarchy, it's in my 'anarchy playlist' at adamgolding.ca
3:40 PM <dennisn>
3:40 PM
i'll check it out
3:40 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
after that peopel recommended "The Trap" to me by Adam Curtis -- so good.
3:40 PM <dennisn>
molyneux's "real time relationships" is awesome too
3:40 PM
on that topic
3:41 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
oh I hate molynuex haha can't stand him
3:41 PM <dennisn>
i know
3:41 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I gave him a chance too
3:41 PM <dennisn>
you did not
3:41 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I watched many hours
3:41 PM <dennisn>
that's fucked up
3:41 PM
3:41 PM
you didnt answer my question
3:41 PM
3:41 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
which one?
3:41 PM <dennisn>
3:41 PM
the one with the "?"
3:41 PM
the last one
3:41 PM
and the one before that
3:41 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
should you do another podcast with him?
3:41 PM <dennisn>
the last 2
3:41 PM
3:41 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
3:41 PM <dennisn>
3:41 PM
3:42 PM
and now the one before that
3:42 PM
what can i conclude about the first one we had
3:42 PM
the fact that he didnt absorb anything
3:42 PM
or at least pretends like he didnt
3:42 PM
join_eggdreamnft: what is ancap?
3:42 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
oh I don't care lol
3:42 PM <dennisn>
and give the man a link to th epodcast
3:42 PM
i didnt ask i fyou cared
3:42 PM
you're gonna make a great politician :D
3:43 PM
(that's an insult :s)
3:43 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
because I don't care why this dude doesn't understand you?
3:43 PM <dennisn>
3:43 PM
because you deflected my quesiton with another question
3:43 PM
youre good at not answering things
3:43 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
some functions return functions
3:43 PM <dennisn>
didnt you just mention something about anarchy and relationships?
3:43 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
3:43 PM <dennisn>
but suddenly you'e not interested in relationshipos?
3:43 PM
also, btw, i'm smarter than you :D
3:43 PM
just saying
3:44 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I see, my condolences
3:44 PM <dennisn>
so, be a bit more humble
3:44 PM
i went to uoft
3:44 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
yeah yeah me too
3:44 PM <dennisn>
in a harder program than you
3:44 PM
i know
3:44 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
haha what program?
3:44 PM <dennisn>
3:44 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so then you really shoudl read the article
3:44 PM <dennisn>
i also took polsci
3:44 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
The Incompletability of Markets
3:44 PM <dennisn>
i will dont worry
3:44 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
cool, you might be the first
3:44 PM <dennisn>
you should read the 2 essays we mentioned on that dude's podcast
3:44 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I send it to everyone, haha
3:44 PM <dennisn>
yea probably
3:44 PM
most people are npc's
3:44 PM
it's terrifying
3:44 PM
like join_eggdreamnft
3:44 PM
i dont know how you can still stomach them
3:45 PM
ig you're really young
3:45 PM
i remember being your age once :D
3:45 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
email them to me or send ot any of my platforms on adamgolding.ca if you want me to put something on my reading list
3:45 PM <dennisn>
i asked you to ask join_eggdreamnft
3:45 PM
theyre quite short
3:45 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
join_eggdreamnft send me the links
4:28 PM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca: what's a better link to that pdf ... that academia.edu site is asking me to login to google or facebook and share all my contacts or something
4:31 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I can email you the pdf if you email me at adamgolding@gmail.com
4:32 PM <dennisn>
4:55 PM <join_eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Podcast with me, dennnisn and bountyht (we're all in irc.libera.chat/##libertarian ). 🎥 Podcast 🎬 "Ancap - Anarcho-capitalism" (2h13m, 12022-01-10T2000Z#1) | 📼 https://1.filedit.ch/1/fMHgSmIeoLzEpzTBuYWH.webm (562MB) | 📝 http://etherpad.opendev.org/podcast-ancap
4:55 PM
"Relationship Anarchy: Is Monogamy a Kink? Ft. Adam Golding - Ep. XXXIII" |
4:55 PM
"golding speaks" playlist | https://www.youtube.com/adamgolding
4:55 PM
The penalty is always death | https://web.archive.org/web/20180727110905/http://www.nostate.com/116/the-penalty-is-always-death/
4:55 PM
Stefan Molyneux: The Gun in the Room | http://freedomain.blogspot.com/2006/11/gun-in-room.html
4:55 PM
Et regardez d-sac-a-dos, ils suivre “Put down the gun, then we’ll talk.” ... "NRA Agrees To Gun Ban — But Only In The Room Where Trump Speaks" | https://crooksandliars.com/2022/05/guns-banned-trump-nra-speech
4:57 PM <dennisn>
why did you link that last shit?
4:57 PM
about the nra/trump
4:59 PM <join_eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Car ils suivre Ancap/NAP, de n'avoir pas un fusil dans la salle.
4:59 PM
— join_eggdreamnft J'ai besoin de departer et jouer les billiards avec un voisin. @+
4:59 PM <dennisn>
that's not what that essay was about you dishonest fuck
4:59 PM
the fact that you associate them is sooo nasty and dishonest
5:00 PM
but i know your game by now. i expected that
Tuesday, May 31st, 2022
8:48 PM
↔ joomla9_ popped in ↔ join_eggdreamnft and `join_cordblood nipped out
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022
4:47 AM
→ subline joined ↔ join_eggdreamnft and `join_cordblood nipped out
6:16 AM <join_eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Tonight @7pm: WEDNESDAY OPEN MIC IN TORONTO (Hosted by: Adam Golding [http://adamgolding.ca] for 2022-2026 Toronto City Councillor, Ward 11, University-Rosedale ) | http://maps.google.com/?q=669+College,Toronto | https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-beyond-b-side-open-mic-tickets-337358898547 | https://0x0.st/oB6W.html
6:16 AM
⇐ subline quit • join_eggdreamnft → `eggdreamnft, `join_cordblood → `cordblood
Thursday, June 2nd, 2022
7:23 AM
→ thekevinhuang joined (~thekevinh@user/thekevinhuang)
7:23 AM <thekevinhuang>
8:14 AM <dennisn>
8:14 AM
8:40 AM
↔ thekevinhuang nipped out
9:02 AM <thekevinhuang>
hi dennisn, sorry to trouble you so early, may I ask what this channel is about?
9:02 AM
I'm from Scarborough (GTA) :)
9:02 AM <dennisn>
north york here
9:02 AM
i'm here to find ancaps
9:02 AM
are you one? :p
9:04 AM <thekevinhuang>
woah, interesting, I'm not sure, I don't think. I think we will soon be ruled by terrestrial or foreign super a.i. bahahah :P
9:04 AM
— `eggdreamnft Bienvenu. Kennedy Rd & Denison St, Markham. (Juste une coincidence que c'est proche a son nomme ^)
9:05 AM <dennisn>
why arent you sure?
9:05 AM <thekevinhuang>
maybe this place isn't for me
9:05 AM <`eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Celui c'est toi? https://opengovca.com/ontario-employee/kevin-huang
9:05 AM <thekevinhuang>
anarcho capitalism? - google said that's what ancaps mean lol
9:05 AM <dennisn>
9:05 AM <`eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Sunshine list... "The position title is Field Training Officer Level 1. The annual salary is $122,832.40."
9:05 AM <dennisn>
google said something about terrestrial/foreign ai?
9:05 AM <thekevinhuang>
I was curious if this channel was for coders :)
9:06 AM <dennisn>
irc in general is coder-centric
9:06 AM <thekevinhuang>
ohhh no, google said what you typed, ancaps, means anarcho capitilsm :) I just don't think I subscribe to that philosophy/politics
9:06 AM <dennisn>
why not?
9:07 AM
what rubbed you the wrong way
9:07 AM
what did you disagree with
9:07 AM <thekevinhuang>
ohh, my friend is an admin in a few libera channels, and I just mainly use it to message him so i don't know much about irc lol
9:08 AM
oh nothing wrong with it or that I am disagreeing, I'm not very well versed in these "things"
9:08 AM <dennisn>
you said you wouldnt subscribe to it
9:08 AM
ie. you already have a position on it
9:08 AM
and you had it prety quickly :p
9:08 AM <thekevinhuang>
I'm kind of a dellusional futurist so I believe a.i. will rule ... human made or from another planet/civilization
9:08 AM <dennisn>
that's fine
9:09 AM
not really relevant to the question
9:09 AM
i'm not sure what you mean by "rule"
9:09 AM
like, enslave us?
9:09 AM
or we'll use machines for our own benefit, peacefully
9:09 AM
and voluntarily
9:09 AM <thekevinhuang>
ohhh, sorry, I have university degree but I'm not a critical thinker on these issues... I'm just cautions I mean
9:10 AM <dennisn>
9:10 AM
that's fine too
9:10 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:10 AM <dennisn>
caution is good
9:10 AM <thekevinhuang>
I do believe there should be no borders
9:10 AM <dennisn>
you keep saying things, and then backing away from them :p
9:10 AM
"ai will rule"
9:10 AM
9:10 AM
it's not really up to you
9:10 AM
some home owners might want them
9:10 AM <thekevinhuang>
true true
9:10 AM <dennisn>
9:11 AM
whoever owns the land can decide what they want to do
9:11 AM <thekevinhuang>
i mean political borders, but the use of the word "regions" would be applicable to what I hope the futuer to be
9:11 AM <dennisn>
that's what i mean too
9:11 AM
it's the same thing
9:11 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:11 AM <dennisn>
like, imagine a group of a few hundred got together
9:11 AM
it would be very sensible not to allow in religious nuts
9:11 AM
or commies
9:12 AM <thekevinhuang>
those are hot button issues... religion and communism... I don't know enough to comment, my friend tho, he could have wonderful conversations with you hehehe
9:12 AM <dennisn>
9:12 AM
dont be so scared :P
9:12 AM <thekevinhuang>
he loves to talk about this stuff and debate, I can barely keep up with him
9:12 AM <dennisn>
well he's not here now
9:13 AM
tell him to join
9:13 AM <thekevinhuang>
nope... ohhh, yeah eh? I have to help him setup irc, if I remember how to set it up myself lol
9:14 AM <dennisn>
you kinda sound like `eggdreamnft ... he's also very scared about taking a position on this
9:14 AM
he's from hong kong :p
9:14 AM
(his parents)
9:14 AM <`eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Juste donner lui ce link, et it va venir ici. https://web.libera.chat/#toronto
9:14 AM
→ Guest61 joined (~Guest61@135-23-248-130.cpe.pppoe.ca)
9:14 AM <dennisn>
maybe it's a cultural thing
9:14 AM <Guest61> [https://web.libera.chat] Guest61
Ca marche.
9:14 AM
⇐ Guest61 quit (~Guest61@135-23-248-130.cpe.pppoe.ca) Client Quit
9:15 AM <thekevinhuang>
ohhh quite possible
9:15 AM <dennisn>
what do you think of china vs hong kong?
9:15 AM
or china vs taiwan
9:15 AM <thekevinhuang>
I dont know, my grandparents ran from the communists to taiwan and then to canada :)
9:15 AM <dennisn>
9:15 AM
scary shit
9:16 AM
and now those faggot commies want to take over taiwan/hong
9:16 AM <thekevinhuang>
cultura genecide in China... eeek... not cool
9:16 AM <dennisn>
9:16 AM
real genocide, not just cultural
9:16 AM
it would be a huge improvement if it was just cultural
9:16 AM <thekevinhuang>
yeah eh... :( :( :(
9:16 AM <dennisn>
the shit they did in hong kong recently is crazy
9:16 AM
but, i always wondered, ig most hong konger were okay with it?
9:16 AM
9:17 AM <thekevinhuang>
no clue... :( sorry :(
9:17 AM <dennisn>
(they jailed the leaders of the more democratic side)
9:17 AM
9:17 AM <thekevinhuang>
oh shit
9:17 AM <dennisn>
you have so much to learn :p
9:17 AM
about the world
9:17 AM <thekevinhuang>
not good
9:17 AM <dennisn>
how old are you?
9:17 AM <thekevinhuang>
late 30's ;)
9:17 AM <dennisn>
9:17 AM
9:17 AM <thekevinhuang>
nice hahaha
9:17 AM <dennisn>
how the fuck are you so clueless
9:17 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:18 AM
— `eggdreamnft ->(o.o)<- 39
9:18 AM <thekevinhuang>
were your parents very political/critical
9:18 AM <dennisn>
9:18 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:18 AM <dennisn>
happy birthday `eggdreamnft !
9:18 AM
i'm 39 too
9:18 AM <thekevinhuang>
mine were not
9:18 AM
happy bday!!!1
9:18 AM <dennisn>
yea mine arent either, it's pathetic
9:18 AM
— `eggdreamnft merci
9:18 AM <dennisn>
my parents also fled from commie yugoslavia
9:18 AM
sortof, not exactly
9:18 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:18 AM <dennisn>
it wasnt as serious as what your fam did
9:19 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:19 AM <dennisn>
your parents were directly affected by that evil - you really should know more about this
9:19 AM
grandparents, and parents ig
9:19 AM <thekevinhuang>
yeah true
9:19 AM <dennisn>
i cant believe your parents were "apolitical"
9:19 AM <thekevinhuang>
no one talked about it when my dad and grandparents were a live
9:19 AM <dennisn>
that's shocking
9:19 AM
9:19 AM
fucked up
9:20 AM
they were brutally forced to leave everything behind
9:20 AM
and they had nothing to say aboutthat
9:20 AM
no lessons to teach
9:20 AM <thekevinhuang>
my grandfather was an associate with the creator of taiwan, can't spell his name
9:20 AM <dennisn>
9:20 AM
ig he's dead?
9:20 AM
9:20 AM <thekevinhuang>
sorry, ig stands for?
9:20 AM <dennisn>
i guess
9:20 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:20 AM
chung kai shek
9:20 AM
or something
9:20 AM <dennisn>
9:21 AM
really fucked up what happened to him
9:21 AM
i'm sure he wasnt perfect
9:21 AM <thekevinhuang>
yeah my grand father was one of kai-sheks favourite architects
9:21 AM <dennisn>
but way better than mao
9:21 AM
9:21 AM
dude, you really need to learn your history
9:21 AM <thekevinhuang>
yeah, grand dad was a wikipedia page I found in 2019 lol
9:21 AM <dennisn>
sounds like a good guy
9:21 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:21 AM
great grandparents, all gone now
9:22 AM
— `eggdreamnft https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huang_Xing
9:22 AM <thekevinhuang>
nice chatting with you :) I'm gunna try to find some work to do, but coffee first :)
9:23 AM <dennisn>
how do you make it... coffee press?
9:23 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:23 AM <dennisn>
filter paper?
9:23 AM <thekevinhuang>
instant all the way
9:23 AM <dennisn>
9:23 AM <thekevinhuang>
9:23 AM <dennisn>
i find that tastes better too
9:23 AM <thekevinhuang>
it can and it can't lol
9:23 AM <dennisn>
i see
9:24 AM <thekevinhuang>
have a wonderful day and a kick ass life dennisn :)
9:24 AM <dennisn>
thanks. ditto :)
9:24 AM
→ `subline joined ← thekevinhuang left ↔ RevHelix nipped out
5:07 PM
`eggdreamnft set the topic: Toronto,Ontario,Canada | 📝http://etherpad.opendev.org/toronto | 📆https://0x0.st/oBRQ.html | https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=toronto | 👥Jitsi: http://8x8.vc/toronto | AdamGolding.ca for 2022-2026 Toronto City Councillor; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_11_University-Rosedale ; http://etherpad.opendev.org/university-rosedale
10:00 PM <dennisn>
ignore `subline / `cordblood / `eggdreamnft ... he has no interest in ideas, he has no principles, he ignores everything people say to him, he's just (justifiably) lonely and probably mentally .. off
10:01 PM
eg. i had a 2 hr podcast with him, in which he absorbed 0 information
Friday, June 3rd, 2022
1:53 AM <`eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Next podcast on "Ancap's in Toronto, Ward 11 University-Rosedale. What can be done for the 12022 municipal elections" ; When: Tue,June 28,12022 @7pm ; 👥Jitsi: http://8x8.vc/university-rosedale-ancap ; 📝Etherpad: http://etherpad.opendev.org/university-rosedale-ancap | 📆 Calendar: https://0x0.st/oBhS.html
11:28 AM <dennisn>
`subline: did you read that essay that adamgoldingdotca linked?
11:28 AM
yo adamgoldingdotca i read it ... it was .... bad. like really really bad
11:28 AM
like super-cringe bad
11:28 AM
"the incompletability of markets"
11:30 AM <`subline> /join #subline | etherpad.opendev.org/subline | Su
J'ai pas lu. Merci, maintenant j'ai pas besoin de le lire.
11:30 AM <dennisn>
of course
11:31 AM
then why have your gay podcast on the 28th?
11:31 AM
if you have no interest in the material/ideas he presents?
12:35 PM
— `eggdreamnft z(^.^)/ *dab
2:56 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
dennisn what is the first false sentence in the paper?
2:56 PM <dennisn>
*checks notes*
2:57 PM
just based on order, by my casual notes, ""The fundamental role of private ownership and decentralized markets cannot be explained if markets were complete."
2:57 PM
ie. he sortof accurately describes godel's theorem ... but then he immediately flips to completely unrelated unconnected things
2:58 PM
and he copy-pastes that bit of "math" like 5 times
2:58 PM
it's false because ... holy shit ... where do i even begin
2:58 PM
it's like saying "2 + 2 = elephant"
2:58 PM
ownership is a morality thing
2:59 PM
formal logic is formal logic
2:59 PM
markets (ie. humans trading) is trading
2:59 PM
like, wtf is going on
2:59 PM
3 completely different topics, and he makes no attempt to connect them
2:59 PM
he just says these insane dramatic conclusions/assertions
2:59 PM
and hopes nobody asks him to explain :p
3:00 PM
what value did you see in that essay - what did you think it proved?
3:00 PM
i'm genuinely confused
3:01 PM
like, even if it didnt have so many typos, even if it was logically sound - what was the point of it?
3:01 PM
humans arent deterministic, okay, sure, so what?
3:02 PM
that first mistake (in my notes) was super cringe, cuz he didnt define/explain "ownership" at all .. he just lobbed that in out of nowhere
3:03 PM
when he uses words like "completeness" and "consistency" ... i think he's hoping to appeal to people's math/formal-logic illiteracy, cuz they mean very very different things to normal people, than they do to mathematicians
3:04 PM
like, the title of the essay itself, it sounds bad to normies who dont know math/logic ... but it means nothinbg
3:04 PM
godel is often misused by scammers/retards ... very much like quantum mechanics
3:06 PM
wtf does "if markets were complete" even mean :P
3:07 PM
he's super awkwardly trying to fit the idea of completeness in mathematical sets, into the real world
3:49 PM
↔ `eggdreamnft and `cordblood nipped out
10:32 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
why is "The fundamental role of private ownership and decentralized markets cannot be explained if markets were complete." false?
10:33 PM <dennisn>
it's beyond false, it literally makes zero sense
10:33 PM
it's not even good enough to be right/wrong :p
10:33 PM
they're completely different topics
10:34 PM
like i said, ownership is a morality thing, and also a personal subjective thing
10:34 PM
it has nothing to do with logical formalism
10:34 PM
or the completeness of sets
10:34 PM
or godel
10:34 PM
it's just word vomit
10:35 PM
like, why did he include the word "decentralized"
10:35 PM
he never defined/discussed ownership at all in his essay
10:35 PM
he just threw it in that conclusion
10:36 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I asked you for the first false sentence in the paper.
10:37 PM <dennisn>
just as a silly example, here's one way to refute it.... i can explain the role of "private ownership" EVEN IF "the market" was defined using logical formalism, as follows
10:37 PM
oh, i thought you just wanted to know which was the first one that i noted
10:37 PM
... as follows: "i feel like owning this thing, cuz i feel like it"
10:37 PM
10:37 PM
10:37 PM
"... because i have the moral 'right' to ownership, and i feel like owning that thing'
10:37 PM
10:38 PM
see, this has nothing to do with "markets"
10:38 PM
or set theory
10:38 PM
i have many other insane/wrong statements
10:38 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
not mention the word 'markets' doesn't mean it has nothing to do with markets -- the brain has been modelled as a market, even
10:38 PM <dennisn>
like the crriiiinge attempt to apply HEISEINBERG'S UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE, to humans!
10:38 PM
10:39 PM
btw, i've asked you many times what your'e getting at with all this
10:39 PM
i genuinely have no idea what your piont is
10:39 PM
10:40 PM
i have no idea what that cringe author's point was either
10:40 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
what is the first false sentence in the paper?
10:40 PM <dennisn>
10:40 PM
who cares?
10:40 PM
i noted down the mistakes i found most important
10:40 PM
the first bits were just painfully describing godel's shit
10:40 PM
and basic logic stuff
10:41 PM
something like that
10:41 PM
and then out of nowhere, he starts talking about crazy complex stuff
10:41 PM
with zero explanation or connection
10:41 PM
that "math" equation he kept copy-pasting ..... was ....... omg
10:42 PM
i got douche chills seeing it
10:42 PM
douche-bag chills
10:42 PM
it's physics-envy :D
10:42 PM
he wishes he was a real physicist .. he's larping being one
10:42 PM
and doing a /really/ poor job of it
10:43 PM
maybe this is an earlier one:
10:43 PM
"the foundations of economics are resolutely
10:43 PM
10:43 PM
10:43 PM
he was quoting someone
10:43 PM
but taht's false
10:43 PM
austrian economics (aka. real economics, imho), has nothing to do with math
10:43 PM
it's about logic
10:44 PM
are you aware of austrian economics?
10:44 PM
(it's kinda a known thing that mainstream economics is a scam, to justify evil statism)
10:44 PM
ie. evil statists bribe crooks like Keynes to say that money-printing is a good thing
10:45 PM
that's conventional "economics"
10:45 PM
10:46 PM
"Without asset-specificity, notes Oliver Williamson (1985, p. 53), there is no reason for firms to exist."
10:46 PM
^ another insane outrageous bat-shit crazy statement
10:46 PM
that came out of nowhere, with no explanation
10:47 PM
he also made some gay distinction between "search goods" and "experience goods"
10:47 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
So you can't refute any specific string?
10:47 PM <dennisn>
i reread it a few times, i have no idea what "search goods" are
10:47 PM
10:47 PM
i just did
10:47 PM
ownerhip has nothing to do with math
10:47 PM
or set theory
10:47 PM
yet somehow magically he feels like math can refute ownership
10:48 PM
can refute/deny the idea of ownership
10:48 PM
10:49 PM
later in the "paper", he retardedly discusses organ donation, and says that "some goods or services might be considered so unique that they are priceless"
10:49 PM
there, that's another obviously false statement
10:50 PM
organs, like kidneys, arent "priceless"
10:50 PM
he says it's a "controversial issue"
10:50 PM
it's not
10:50 PM
i mean, logically it's not
10:50 PM
but obviously there are evil people who would prevent peaceful transactions from happening
10:50 PM
so sure, evil people exist and THEY cause controversy
10:51 PM
but the morality / economics behind organ donation are not controversial
10:51 PM
"If some goods, like human organs, are considered mostly incommensurable, then an alternative compensation mechanism is required."
10:51 PM
they are not incommensurable
10:51 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
Everything has something to do with everything.
10:51 PM <dennisn>
10:52 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so no, stating "ownerhip has nothing to do with math" does not establish the falsehood of any string in the paper
10:52 PM <dennisn>
10:52 PM
10:52 PM
the completeness or incompleteness of the formalization of "the market", has NOTHING to do with righteousness of private ownership
10:53 PM
what do you think about that retarded claim that you cant price your kidney?
10:54 PM
(he later goes on to effectively do the same thing that pricing/money does, but calls it "reciprocity")
10:54 PM
"Reciprocity, therefore, provides a sustainable
10:54 PM
mechanism for meta-pricing of incommensurable goods."
10:54 PM
10:54 PM
that guys is shockingly dumb
10:54 PM
10:54 PM
he was kinda sorta pushing for some money-less barter system
10:55 PM
ie. de-evolving :p
10:55 PM
money was specifically created to fix the inefficiencies of barter
10:55 PM
ie. obviously it's cringe commie brainwashing, to hate money
10:55 PM
just for the sake of hating money
10:55 PM
"Since reciprocity allocates incommensurable goods based on need rather than
10:55 PM
10:56 PM
(ignoring for a moment the fact that the goods he's referring to are NOT incommensurable)
10:57 PM
He goes on to say that this cringe reciprocity/barter system "tends to produce more value to community members than the competitive market mechanism" :))))
10:57 PM
no need to explain that bombshell conclusion ;)
10:58 PM
just assert that charity/barter is somehow "better" than voluntary peaceful transactions
10:58 PM
how much time did you spend "parsing" his "strings" :)))))
10:58 PM
"pricing of such goods will
10:58 PM
likely be subject to unethical practices"
10:58 PM
"unethical" ... no need to define ethics ;)
10:59 PM
but he does need to tediously explain Godel
10:59 PM
weird ;)
10:59 PM
ie. the thing that needs no explanation is given pages... but the thing that desperately DOES need to be explained *is given 0 thought*
10:59 PM
i'm guessing he's referring to "price gouging"
10:59 PM
which is, in fact, NOT unethical
11:00 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
um so do you deny "Some goods or services might be considered so unique that they are “priceless.”"?
11:01 PM <dennisn>
he awkwardly tries to shove organ sale vs. donation into the framework of "the prisoner's dilemma", and awkwardly states that selling organs is the "defection" case
11:01 PM
11:01 PM
i cant believe the shit i have to say :|
11:01 PM
are you serious?
11:01 PM
he was referring to kidneys
11:01 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
no the kidney was an example
11:01 PM <dennisn>
11:01 PM
11:01 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so do you deny the general statement?
11:01 PM <dennisn>
do you think that kidneys are priceless?
11:02 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
you're changing the ubject, my opinion of kidneys is irrelevant
11:02 PM <dennisn>
i actually cant think of something that cant have a price
11:02 PM
11:02 PM
i've mentioned like 23532 things
11:02 PM
which you completely ignored
11:02 PM
but srue, i'll play your game
11:02 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
yes I will pick one thing at a time
11:02 PM <dennisn>
i cant think of anything that cant be priced
11:02 PM
can you?
11:02 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
what do you mean by 'can't'?
11:02 PM <dennisn>
11:02 PM
i dont think i can eli4 it
11:02 PM
i can just got to eli5
11:02 PM
i can price anything!
11:02 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
Physical impossibility? Political impossibility? Have you done modal logic?
11:03 PM <dennisn>
i dont know how else to rephrase this
11:03 PM
11:03 PM
i have not done modal logic
11:03 PM
i did quantum mechanics
11:03 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I can offer you any X for n dollars but I might not own X and n might not correctly reflect the value
11:03 PM
in modal logic they formalize different versions of 'can't'
11:03 PM <dennisn>
11:03 PM
you dont listen very well
11:03 PM
waaay back, days ago
11:04 PM
do you remember me telling you that there is no such thing as a "correct price" ?
11:04 PM
maybe you disagree with me, but dont pretend i didnt say it
11:04 PM
there is no "correct refleciton of value"
11:04 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I believe i said you can't give EVERYTHING a correct price at once
11:04 PM <dennisn>
that's a nonsense statement
11:04 PM
you're not listening
11:04 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
to what?
11:04 PM <dennisn>
11:04 PM
that's an absurd concept
11:04 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
why can't price be correct?
11:04 PM
*a price
11:05 PM <dennisn>
the price is whatever i feel like buying/selling osmetihng for
11:05 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:05 PM
what if there are price controls?
11:05 PM <dennisn>
that's what it is by definition
11:05 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:05 PM <dennisn>
that's evil
11:05 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
there can be price controls
11:05 PM
non sequitur
11:05 PM <dennisn>
"price control" is a euphemism for slavery, kinda
11:05 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
we aren't talking about evil
11:05 PM
or goodness
11:05 PM <dennisn>
it's other people with guns, violently telling me what i should price things for
11:05 PM
yes we are
11:05 PM
price control = violent evil
11:05 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
you said "the price is whatever i feel like buying/selling osmetihng for" this string is false because price controls are logically possible -- it's irrelevant whether they are good or evil
11:05 PM <dennisn>
it's someone ELSE violently telling me what the price shoudl be
11:05 PM
11:06 PM
11:06 PM
you're suck a gay sophist :p
11:06 PM
so you're conflating peaceful pricing
11:06 PM
with violent pricing
11:06 PM
you can do that, fine
11:06 PM
it's jsut super confusing
11:06 PM
i have no idea what your point is
11:06 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
price controls have been proposed on basic foods at the socialist alliance for instance -- not something I"m crazy about but it's a very live possibility
11:06 PM <dennisn>
you're just fogging
11:06 PM
11:06 PM
i know slavery/dictatorship is a thing
11:06 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
no, your statement was false
11:06 PM <dennisn>
and it's unacceptable
11:06 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
that's binary
11:06 PM <dennisn>
no it wasnt
11:07 PM
the original statement was that i can price anything
11:07 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
yes it was, I explained why
11:07 PM
"the price is whatever i feel like buying/selling osmetihng for" is false because price controls are logically possible.
11:07 PM <dennisn>
you did not
11:07 PM
11:07 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
that is the explanation
11:07 PM <dennisn>
11:07 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
what is false?
11:07 PM <dennisn>
i can price anything
11:08 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
what do you mean by 'can'?
11:08 PM <dennisn>
having someone ELSE price it (price control) doesnt change that
11:08 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
do you mean physical possibility? legal possibility?
11:08 PM <dennisn>
obviously option 1
11:08 PM
you twat :p
11:08 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
why not logical possibility?
11:08 PM <dennisn>
if th elaw specifically says i cant price things, then obviously ic ant
11:08 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
why do you mean physical possibility and not logical possibility?
11:08 PM <dennisn>
i can price anything
11:08 PM
for the 2365235th time
11:08 PM
obviously i mean both
11:08 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
it is physically possible to do the legally impossible
11:08 PM <dennisn>
if i can do it physically, i necessarily have to have been able to do it logically
11:09 PM
govs (mafias) can make up whatever law they want
11:09 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so, it is logically and physically possible to put any price on anything, is that your position? What does that have to do logically with price correctness?
11:09 PM <dennisn>
so obviously if evil mafias say i cant sell things voluntarily, then ic ant
11:09 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
it is physically possible to do incorrect things
11:09 PM <dennisn>
because the price i agree to buy/sell something to is "correct"
11:10 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
you said there is no correct price
11:10 PM <dennisn>
"correct" in this case means the price i'm willing to exchange at
11:10 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
you've contradicted yourself
11:10 PM <dennisn>
11:10 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
why is that a good definition of 'correct'?
11:10 PM
in this context
11:10 PM <dennisn>
that's the most sane definitino for it
11:10 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:10 PM <dennisn>
that's what everyone thinks of when used
11:10 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
what are the alternatives?
11:10 PM <dennisn>
that's the only important definition
11:10 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
you can't know it's the most sane without knowing it beats all possible alternative definitions
11:10 PM <dennisn>
i honestly cant think of any other useful / coherent definition
11:11 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
really? okay
11:11 PM <dennisn>
can you?
11:11 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
how's this:
11:11 PM <dennisn>
11:11 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
prices are 'more correct' if they more accurately order things by how scarce they are -- thus 'artificial scarcity' such as intellectual property makes information incorrectly expensie--it's not actually that scarce
11:11 PM
11:12 PM <dennisn>
ufff, no
11:12 PM
for so many reasons
11:12 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
on the flip side, carbon is artifically cheap because of the unpriced externality
11:12 PM <dennisn>
11:12 PM
holy shit
11:12 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
okay well how would you define 'unpriced externality'?
11:12 PM <dennisn>
i dont even know where to begin
11:12 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
begin with my last question
11:12 PM
how would you define 'unpriced externality'?
11:12 PM <dennisn>
i mean, with this definition of "correctness"
11:12 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
how would you define 'unpriced externality'?
11:13 PM <dennisn>
"a gay commie euphemism to shame people into accepting totalitarian control over their lives, by blaming them for things mostly outside their control"
11:13 PM
it's not a real thing
11:13 PM
for example, carbon
11:13 PM
YOU might not want it
11:13 PM
i (as a farmer) might
11:13 PM
there is no right answer here
11:13 PM
it's not YOUR planet
11:13 PM
nor is it mine
11:14 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
um this is a technical term and your definition does not match usage in the field in any way
11:14 PM <dennisn>
11:14 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
try looking it up first
11:14 PM <dennisn>
i know what it is
11:14 PM
i summarized it accurately
11:14 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:14 PM <dennisn>
as usual
11:14 PM
ti's dirti commies
11:14 PM
wanting more money and power
11:14 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
you stated properties you take it to have, but not defining properties
11:15 PM <dennisn>
this time under the guise of paid "economists"
11:15 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
this is basic socratic dialogue stuff
11:15 PM
have you read plato?
11:15 PM <dennisn>
11:15 PM
in polsci
11:15 PM
another gay course
11:15 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so this is what happens repeatedly
11:15 PM <dennisn>
11:15 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
he asked 'what is justice' and they give examples of justice and properties of it, rather than a DEFINITION
11:15 PM <dennisn>
what happens repeatedly
11:15 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:15 PM <dennisn>
yea i know
11:15 PM
that was a cringe parable
11:15 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
what you stated were properties you take to hold of the concept
11:16 PM <dennisn>
yea i know
11:16 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
not the ooncept itself
11:16 PM
so you idn't answer the question
11:16 PM <dennisn>
i effectively did
11:16 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
define 'unpriced externality'
11:16 PM <dennisn>
i explained the relevant point
11:16 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
btw i recommend this channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp5hG8rt1z2MJ9aNVxY2Xdg
11:16 PM <dennisn>
11:16 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
nah what?
11:16 PM <dennisn>
it's not fair
11:17 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
what's not fair?
11:17 PM <dennisn>
you keep linking to retarded shit
11:17 PM
but you havent answered any of my questions
11:17 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
define 'unpriced externality'
11:17 PM <dennisn>
have you heard of argumentation ethics?
11:17 PM
or austrian economics?
11:17 PM
just say yes/no
11:17 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
the latter frequently
11:17 PM <dennisn>
okay cool
11:17 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
the former not so often
11:17 PM <dennisn>
11:17 PM
11:17 PM
you really need to know it
11:17 PM
anyways, unpriced externalities...
11:17 PM
let me try
11:17 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:18 PM <dennisn>
so externality is a cringe commie concept
11:18 PM
something about not being in your jurisdiction ig
11:18 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
that's not a definition
11:18 PM <dennisn>
and unpriced = not having a price
11:18 PM
yes it is
11:18 PM
it refers to political jurisdiction
11:18 PM
something outside your private property
11:18 PM
outside the private property of both parties
11:18 PM
in a transaction
11:18 PM
11:18 PM
11:19 PM
11:19 PM
so like, carbon in the atmosphere, is this
11:19 PM
you dont own the air
11:19 PM
neither do i
11:20 PM
[afk for a bit]
11:20 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so pollution is an example of an unpriced externality, yes?
11:20 PM
11:20 PM <dennisn>
11:20 PM
specifically polution outside your property
11:20 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
so pollution is too cheap for corporations to do, right?
11:20 PM <dennisn>
if it's oil spilled on your land, then it's not external :p
11:20 PM
11:20 PM
that makes no sense
11:20 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:20 PM
so what is the problem with pollution then?
11:20 PM
why is there overpollution?
11:20 PM <dennisn>
so many things
11:20 PM
the definition, for example :p
11:20 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
okay what's the ecconomic reasons
11:20 PM <dennisn>
who defines what IS pollution
11:21 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
definitions don't cause pollution, companies do
11:21 PM <dennisn>
oil was seen as pollution at first
11:21 PM
then it became "black gold" when a use for it was found
11:22 PM
idk what you mean by "pollution is too cheap for corps to do"
11:23 PM
(co2 is a POSITIVE thing for farmers ... they spray it over corn fields, for example, to increase yield)
11:23 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
okay how would you reduce pollution with economic policy?
11:24 PM <dennisn>
holy shgit
11:24 PM
"economic policy"
11:24 PM
that assumes the need for evil dictatorship
11:24 PM
for Big Brother
11:24 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
no it doesn't
11:24 PM <dennisn>
there is no such thing as "economic policy" beyond that
11:24 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
excuse me?
11:24 PM <dennisn>
you are excused
11:24 PM
in ancapistan
11:24 PM
we do business with whoever we want
11:25 PM
there is no dictator telling us who we can do business with
11:25 PM
what we should price things at
11:25 PM
11:25 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
This is like saying 'don't use EQ' in recording -- every mic has an inherent EQ and every 'free market' just has implicit regulations
11:25 PM <dennisn>
11:25 PM
i thought you were an anarchist
11:25 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:25 PM <dennisn>
11:25 PM
11:25 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
I didn't say I was a right-wing anarchist
11:25 PM <dennisn>
i know
11:25 PM
anarchism is anarchism
11:25 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:25 PM <dennisn>
tehre is no "policy"
11:25 PM
it's whatever free individuals choose to do
11:26 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
anarchism is skepticism of power
11:26 PM <dennisn>
and the emergent behaviors that arise fromt hat
11:26 PM
i know what it is
11:26 PM
i dont think you do
11:26 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
at adamgolding.ca you will see a link to an extensive playlist on anarchism
11:26 PM <dennisn>
... since somehow you ended up supporting big brother :)))
11:26 PM
a pro-state anarchist :))))
11:26 PM
only in faggot toronto
11:26 PM
in gay canada
11:26 PM
i know more about anarchism than you
11:26 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
right, I forgot how much of an asshole you were
11:26 PM <dennisn>
i was an anarchist before you were even born
11:26 PM
11:26 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
reflex reaction
11:27 PM <dennisn>
do you like the sex pistols?
11:27 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
skepticism is compatible with knowledge
11:27 PM
anarchism is compatible with power
11:27 PM <dennisn>
11:27 PM
i know
11:27 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:27 PM <dennisn>
but it's supposed to be against involuntary power
11:27 PM
against violent NAP violation
11:27 PM
that's redundant :p
11:27 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
NAP is not a definition of anarchism
11:27 PM <dennisn>
it literally is the core of it
11:28 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
is that in proudhoun? lol
11:28 PM <dennisn>
if an anarchist is anything, it hsould be someone who is against forcing others to do thigs against their will
11:28 PM
proudhon was a proto-commie
11:28 PM
but ig okay at the time
11:28 PM
for fighting the state
11:28 PM
11:28 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
maybe by default, but that doesn't mean without exception -- maybe you shoul dlook at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Default_logic#:~:text=Default%20logic%20is%20a%20non,or%20that%20something%20is%20false.
11:28 PM <dennisn>
11:28 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
yes maybe
11:28 PM <dennisn>
11:29 PM
i mean i wont read that
11:29 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
yes you should maybe look at it
11:29 PM <dennisn>
11:29 PM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
then you're a waste of my time, goodbye
11:29 PM <dennisn>
11:29 PM
11:29 PM
11:29 PM
make sure you dont look up argumentation ethics though
11:29 PM
11:30 PM
and don't bother looking back at how the fuck you ended up in a position that supports enslaving people ;)
11:30 PM
as an anarchist :DDDD
11:30 PM
fuckin' chomsky
11:30 PM
are you jewish?
Saturday, June 4th, 2022
8:05 AM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca: i guess hitler is an anarchist by your definition too ... he was very skeptical of gov power -- so much so that he burned down his previous corrupt parliament building
8:06 AM
stalin too ... he was so skeptical of gov power that he overthrew the monarchy
8:06 AM
same with fidel castro
8:06 AM
all anarchists, according to you
8:06 AM
is molyneux an anarchist?
6:40 PM
Yo `subline, would you call adamgoldingdotca an anarchist or statist?
6:45 PM <`eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Il est un bon ami.
6:45 PM <dennisn>
6:45 PM
anarchist or statust
6:45 PM
6:48 PM <`eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Un dolphin est-il un ou l'autre? Ou, il est lui meme son propre chose. Un spectrum, ou quantum super-position de les deux, ou aucun.
6:48 PM <dennisn>
6:48 PM
6:48 PM
6:48 PM
6:48 PM
6:48 PM
you're wallpaper
6:49 PM
you're an npc
6:49 PM
— `eggdreamnft Jellyfishes unifier!
6:49 PM <dennisn>
this isnt funny
6:49 PM
i feel sorry for you, fr
6:49 PM
you'll never experience love in life
6:49 PM
never experience depth
6:49 PM
never experience connection
6:50 PM
never experience virtue or real joy
6:50 PM <`eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Je pense je vais aller a le openmic cette mecredi. Juste parce que de l'animosite entre vous deux est tellement haute.
6:50 PM
— `eggdreamnft Regardez, je suis maintenant dans tous les chaines... https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=%23socialistalliance
6:51 PM
— `eggdreamnft Le meme, pour le votre... https://netsplit.de/channels/?chat=%23ancap
Sunday, June 5th, 2022
10:01 AM <dennisn>
adamgoldingdotca: anarchy = anarchos = no ruler
11:51 AM <adamgoldingdotca> adamgolding.ca
11:51 AM <dennisn>
11:54 AM
"a street after a freaking Nazi" .... hahahaahah
11:54 AM
what street?
11:54 AM
named a street*
11:55 AM
"rima" is a nasty cocksucking commie whore
11:55 AM
sounds like
11:56 AM
"So now it is time for transformation. Of the party; of the leadership; of what it means to REALLY support MPPs ... who are progressive Jews." ... hHAAHAHAHAHAH
11:56 AM
no shame
11:56 AM
adam are you a jew?
4:22 PM
adamgoldingdotca ?
9:20 PM
↔ RevHelix nipped out
Monday, June 6th, 2022
Monday, June 6th, 2022
8:23 AM <dennisn>
`subline: what do you think of Rima openly calling for Jews to take over politics?
8:27 AM
`subline → \subline, `eggdreamnft → \eggdreamnft, `cordblood → \cordblood
8:29 AM
— \eggdreamnft C'est la vie / Il ne faut pas resigner, il faut revolter.
8:58 AM <dennisn>
you dont think it's racist?
9:00 AM
9:02 AM <\eggdreamnft> /join #eggdreamnft | http://etherpad.opendev.org/e
Les tigres courris avec les tigres. Les elephants marchent avec les elephants. Les dolphins nagent avec les dolphins. C'est pas specieist, qu'ils veullent etre avec eux meme.
9:03 AM
Les oiseaux d'une plume vollent ensemble.
9:03 AM <dennisn>
yea, so it was racist
9:03 AM
but don't you think it's fucked up that a jew is calling for other jews to coordinate to rule over us?
9:04 AM
that post wasnt about calling for jews to hang out together, it was calling for jews to become our dictators
9:05 AM
is adamgoldingdotca a jew?
9:05 AM
"gold" in lastnames is common with jews
9:05 AM
9:05 AM
he must be, especially after promoting a post like that
9:15 AM
— \eggdreamnft "It's our sense of humor that sustained us as a people for 3,000 years. 5,000." | Seinfeld I MiniEpisode I Tim Whatley, I'm a jew I The Yada Yada |
1:00 PM
↔ dennisn nipped out