You can’t trust anyone… if:
They lie,
They push,
They steal,
They shove,
They stomp,
They bully,
They stare,
They other,
They defame,
They comply,
They project,
They nay-say,
They isolate,
They slander,
They gaslight,
They sabotage,
They dominate,
They straw-man,
They segregate,
They're funded,
They tribalize,
They're cowards,
They don't read,
They dehumanize,
They value money,
They're perverts,
They grand-stand,
They want to win,
They can't sleep,
They're anonymous,
They don't listen,
They don't breathe,
They stand idly by,
They pass the buck,
They speak offline,
They break the flow,
They don't moralize,
They avoid conflict,
They don't organize,
They don't play fair,
Their lips are loose,
They belittle others,
They don't like 'no',
They don't hear 'no',
They don't apologize,
They're not creative,
They hate Schoenberg,
They don't want peace,
They're pussy-whipped,
They argue for effect,
They're transactional,
They strike where weak,
They ignore a syllable,
They run from strength,
They're off-the-record,
They trade half-truths,
They are not charitable,
Their sources all agree,
They never want revenge,
They have trigger words,
They can't confront you,
They judge based on Sin,
They let you fire blind,
They question sacrifice,
They jump to conclusions,
They complain in private,
They hide in the shadows,
They judge based on race,
They judge based on diet,
They judge based on ties,
They indulge in rhetoric,
They judge based on skill,
They judge based on class,
They don't tell the truth,
They trust the government,
They're easy on the enemy,
They only speak privately,
They're not really asking,
They think this is a game,
They would sooner not know,
They censor the opposition,
They judge books by covers,
They contradict themselves,
Their sources all disagree,
They communicate indirectly,
They excuse their behavior,
Their claims do not add up,
They don't enjoy correction,
They hear what they want to,
Their arguments are circular,
They don't respect everyone,
They don't ask what you mean,
They pretend they understand,
They smile when you're upset,
They socially isolate anyone,
Their insecurity is palpable,
They judge based on identity,
They speak past what is said,
They have no hunger to learn,
They can't name their sources,
They "don't owe you anything",
They judge based on one thing,
They interrupt all criticisms,
They maximize hedonic utility,
They act out of self-interest,
They do things for the credit,
They don't say what they mean,
Their feelings trump morality,
They're afraid to go to court,
They make bad-faith arguments,
They are not first-responders,
They're entitled to your time,
They judge music by its notes,
They judge the whole by parts,
They judge parts by the whole,
They only gossip when it's fun,
They don't know what they mean,
They retaliate when criticized,
The truth does not compel them,
They do not seek contradiction,
They do not value emancipation,
They judge one time by another,
They judge a link by its title,
They have extrinsic motivation,
They don't review the literature,
They repeat things uncritically,
They use your trust against you,
They're too afraid to intervene,
They don't address the argument,
No one's entitled to their time,
They don't care about The Truth,
They want to reverse Copernicus,
They judge a nation by its past,
They engage in collective guilt,
They interpret you uncharitably,
Their conversations are circular,
They don't care if you're family,
They judge races by their crimes.
They get upset and don't know why,
They get angry when they're horny,
They only mind their own business,
They want permission not to think,
They don't let you say your piece,
They don't let you say your peace,
They love the freedom to be wrong,
They judge a person by their face,
They judge a person by their body,
They judge futures by their pasts,
They don't want to be proven wrong,
They think the rules are arbitrary,
They don't respect your boundaries,
They let someone else deal with it,
They're entitled to your attention,
They do not maximize learning rate,
They judge a person by their voice,
They judge members by their groups,
They engage in guilt-by-association,
They judge nations by their sports,
They judge arguments by conclusions,
They'd rather be popular than right,
They only listen to music they like,
They judge nations by their exports,
They lie about what's bothering them,
No one's entitled to their attention,
They don't care if you're not family,
They judge a person by their clothes,
They judge presents by their futures,
They engage in collective punishment,
They belive the first thing they hear,
They think that slander isn't serious,
They resent you for making them think,
They judge a statement by its speaker,
They judge romance by its dollar-value
They don't admit they don't understand,
They think it's someone else's problem,
They judge an essence by its accidents,
They judge a chess game by its outcome,
They would rather refute than understand,
They cannot handle cognitive dissonance,
They don't zoom out before they zoom in,
Their sources that agree never disagree,
Their sources that disagree never agree,
They think that defamation isn't serious,
They do not maximize breadth of learning,
They judge a conversation by its platform,
They like it when they're bothering someone,
They don't hold space for unfolding thoughts,
They do not value emancipation of dissonance,
They come to class unprepared for the discussion,
They don't care about collective action problems,
They don't care if they're the least-cost avoider,
They do not value emancipation of cognitive dissonance,
They judge someone's character by the company they keep,
They don't care if you're always the least-cost avoider,
They treat consensus reality like a reputational battleground.