It used to be a core leftist issue, so what gives?
It used to be a core leftist issue, so what gives?
Well, let me tell you a story:
It's supposed to be 'one person, one vote', even though one rich person can have many dollars. But you can vote with your wallet and you can also *buy votes*: the person who spent the most usually wins...
So normally, we have limits on 'campaign spending' to level the playing field: otherwise *the rich control elections*. BUT, *the limits were removed* in 2010. How? It's called "Citizen's United":
They argued money was speech, and speech was free, so limiting campaign spending to let the poor have a voice was actually unconstitutional *because* the rich deserved 'freedom of speech' with their money.
(This is called 'negative liberty'...)
Don't be gaslit--THE LEFT NEEDS FREEDOM OF SPEECH NOW MORE THAN EVER--Be a free-speech-absolutist like Chomsky and insist we also need so-called 'positive liberty' when it comes to speech, the form of freedom America always forgets: without financial support, 'free' speech is too expensive for the poor--that freedom's still far off so push for it MORE, TODAY.