More on ghosting:
"Hey Adam,
Thanks for the friend request, man!
I have to keep my distance for awhile since some view you as the reason Norm was unable to win Ward 11. When the brouhaha over your interference in the municipal race is over hopefully we can be FB friends and all that jazz.
--Best regards,
Sounds like you don't know the full story, please pass it on.. I WOULD Have campaigned FOR Norm but the NDP mistreated me
You can now call each other and see information such as Active Status and when you've read messages.
it's not 'interference' it's preventing a collapse into a two-party system
the NDP fired me because I asked questions about ABA
they started freezing my shifts the same day they announced Rima Berns-McGown was not running
'the' is incorrect of course since almost every candidate got more votes than the margin
I met with Janelle Brady and told her the NDP should stay in touch with the socialist alliance so we wouldn't run candidates unhelpfully against on another
the NDP did not hold up its end of the bargain
preferring to keep me out of the loop because I had filed a union grievance AND reported the party to the OICO

PELASE pass it on
I have been trying desperately to get more eyes on this problem
the NDP is supporting CHILD ABUSE
I suffered child abuse, I won't stand for it
as I said in the debates, I don't like that Norm didn't say anything about ABA when he was a school board trustee AND an NDP candidate (who I campaigned FOR on the phone against Vuong)
I should not accept an INVASION Into my home
the NDP and the Greens were both INTERFERRING with my home -- the Socialist Alliance did NOT run PARACHUTE CANADIDATES which is offensive and wrong
[not a dig at Norm personally, but at the argument that I was interfering in comparison to a parachute candidate, which is of course not an argument Norm would ever make — he ased me to direct people to him if they’d like him to set the record straight about why the election turned out as it did — we both agreed I probably turn out completely different voters!]
Rima was also at Lamport 2 like me, so they were pushing out people who asked questions about ABA, and people who were involved with resisting encampment evictions
there is a civil war in the NDP between the authoritarians and the grassroots elements
Parachute candidates should be ILLEGAL as they are clearly IMMORAL
The NDP could easily have offered me a job on the Norm campaign and won handily. I would have accepted. But then they would have had to face accountability for what they have done.
They preferred to lose than to process this. The Cognitive Dissonance of the party supporting child abuse is too great for them to bear. But the knowledge of the truth is even harder for me to bear.”
I continued:
"also see:
this also came up in this thread: "
[interlocutor response redacted]
My reply: “my abuse was not from ABA but I get it. The ONDP's disability committee ruled that ABA was child abuse.
Why would you want employees that support child abuse?
the ONDP is using rotten tactics as they are NOW using against jessa, please sign the petition:
and of course this one:
I had to grieve the party because they ghosted me
leaving me no internal means to prevent child abuse
I had no moral option but to proceed as I did, sacrificing my own time and money to fight this
I am now flat broke
I don’t want you to argue with me, I want you to show what I wrote here to everyone who mentions the topic PLEASE otherwise they are MISINFORMED
mainly show them
1. the leaked memo
2. the blueprints episode
which have nothing to do with me, or with norm
this is way more important than Ward 11, dude”