I've known too many people who have died already
We need the Ontario government to ask the federal government to expropriate lands to utilize units already vacant...
I've known too many people who have died already—we need the Ontario government to ask the federal government to expropriate lands to utilize units already vacant -- homelessness and overdoses are linked traumas—from my latest rant:
"We need to implement SHJN’s winter plan—how do we do it? I think we need to petition the Mayor’s office to ask for help up the chain, as the military explained to me—his office doesn’t return my calls any more, they’ll have to return yours, collectively, or we will witness another series of needless deaths in our streets this winter. Inclusionary Zoning is a nice historic feather Tory seeks to put in his cap but it does nothing to address the emergency need for housing today, during the first state of emergency Toronto has declared in its history. In this document you will see the sort of action and the lag-times we are seeing when it comes to housing the vulnerable–-sleeping in a park for 5-months before receiving emergency housing is considered a surprisingly good turnaround time—“Wartime speed”, my ass.
The federal government can expropriate housing to resolve this crisis, this is not a lack of supply it is a failure of unregulated markets to do what is right of their own free will—we must use state monopoly on power not to crush opposition but to actually begin at the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy. This is a failure of politics, and of politics only, in that there is adequate supply globally for all our basic needs to be met, but the corrective will in many cases begin locally–in your own neighbourhood, you may see an obvious mismatch: middle managers stress about their vacation destination while others debate which sleeping arrangements are most lethal. “Community safety” is code for “house safety” and the mayor expertly avoids the subject. Well let’s talk about it every day–we’ve had daily covid briefings till we’re blue in the face, what we need today is a daily homelessness briefing with the city until we solve this most basic of modern problems. Contact the Mayor's office today with these demands."
The other support we need is to fund talk therapy for less lethal ways of processing trauma --note that researchers have proposed basically re-naming addiction as 'ritualized compulsive comfort seeking'—take the lessons of Canadian scientists in the rat park studies on board and provide meaningful work and safe housing and you will see drug abuse and overdose go down—while decriminalising drugs which otherwise just adds punishment to prior trauma—ALSO NOTE: BY ONLY LEGALISING WEED TO 'PUSH OUT' THE BLACK MARKET DEALERS HAVE MOVED TO MORE HARMFUL DRUGS TO MAINTAIN THEIR PROFIT MARGINS—IT NEEDS TO BE LEGAL TO SELL WEED WITHOUT A LICENSE OR A STOREFRONT, THE MORE HARMFUL DRUGS NEED TO BE FREE AND THUS NOT PROFITABLE TO STREET DEALERS, AND WE ALL NEED FREE THERAPY—FENTANYL IS TOO PROFITABLE SO WE HAVE TO GIVE FREE HEROIN LIKE IN VANCOUVER, where this ring probably hits the hardest—note that it's also directly tied to the price of housing! We need to ask enforcement to focus on this, not evictions.