Let's not go back to the days of the iron curtain when the free world did not know the music of Shostakovich
Let's not go back to the days of the iron curtain when the free world did not know the music of Shostakovich. Retroactively music historians here realized he was one of the greatest 3 or 4 composers of the 20th century. I'm sure you know he knew Stalin personally and that he used the trombone to represent him. How many musical offspring were never born due to this lack of cultural cross-pollination?
What cultural products will I be deprived of if RT is blocked? What 'freedom' is this? The very freedom we are fighting for. How can I continue my exhaustive study of English-language political arguments across the globe? This is even worse than Bill C-10, which seemed to be largely because Ezra was being annoying with his cost-benefit lawsuit, but now I see that, while with the information you stated, the sanctions on the Canadian convoy cannot be justified, they can be when we supply the missing premise that Kremlin money, via the US right, explains the curious timing of the Canadian and Ukraninan standoffs at the same time. Please don't push us into the fog of war any faster than necessary, explain to the public the connection between the measures you have taken for both standoffs -- do not gaslight us, we have dealt with this enough during covid, as documented best by Norman Doidge:
Please understand that like vaccines, the best inoculation against disinformation is to CONSUME contradictory inputs including Kremlin propaganda. In addition to working in politics my education has steeped me in analytic philosophy, computer science, psychology, and cognitive science, and as teacher and careful student of polarization I implore you to listen to me.
We need more than ending first-past-the-post, and for everyone to learn the lessons available in Rebel Wisdom's four-part series on the psychology of polarization. (See
, I highly recommend it to EVERYONE along with this great explanation of Durverger's law: https://www.cgpgrey.com/politics-in-the-animal-kingdom )
I spoke today with an expert in disinformation whose master's thesis emphasized that we have to feed the victims of disinformation true narratives with a similar structure that still make them feel like they are being 'let in' on some deep insight -- which feeds their narcisssim, but this is only a short-term strategy--please consider the deeper solution you would expect a teacher to advocate to teach immunity to disinformation:
Krelmin disinformation has been at our throats for many years now--I'm sure you know their policy is that there is no peacetime in information war, and for long-term resilience, the only vaccination is contradictory inputs, not pure and internally-consistent counter-propaganda -- only citizens who are free to consume the enemy's materials and their own and who still choose their own nation are truly free, like Alcibiades was free to defect to Sparta -- this is the autonomy we need to have true autonomy from Kremlin disinformation.
Your Constituent,
Adam Golding
P.S. I made this same argument, that we need contradictory inputs for mental health, on stage in our riding yesterday:
P.P.S. We even need to think this way to understand the problem of free will: https://www.facebook.com/adamgolding/posts/10106550375512042 Your free-will, or the kind of freedom we lose under coercive control, is *proportional to the inconsistency of your bibliography* — it’s not the size that counts, compared to the impurity.