"I attended this group's protest targeting Freeland's office today:"
"other than the usual chant there was no content I heard that could even uncharitably be read as crossing the line from anti-war to anti-semitic"
To: Uni Rose <unirosendp@gmail.com>, unirose@gmail.com, uni-rose-ndp@googlegroups.com, Uni Rose Exec <uni-rose-exec@googlegroups.com>, Ontario NDP <info@ontariondp.ca>, Sussanne Skidmore <info@ndp.ca>, Ndpsocialists Info <info@ndpsocialists.ca>, "Freeland, Chrystia - M.P." <Chrystia.Freeland@parl.gc.ca>, justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, Jagmeet.Singh@parl.gc.ca
I attended this group's protest targeting Freeland's office today:
... to listen to the music and the speeches and to share my own literature contra Freeland:
 -- it was very well done and other than the usual chant there was no content I heard that could even uncharitably be read as crossing the line from anti-war to anti-semitic -- they call themselves "University-Rosedale for Palestine" and "Jews for a Free Palestine" was in attendance:
At this point I must say that I agree with Bernie Sanders that it is time to cut off Netanyahu's funding coming from (North) America. It can be reinstated on different terms, eventually with a different leader spending it.