I met a lady tonight at Free Times and got talking about how the rich are screwing us over and during the music I reflected on what I'd been rambling about and drew two circles:
The rich are happy to trade anything infinite for anything finite:
The real estate corporation will trade 'money' for LAND, the rich pushed NFTs and Dogecoin while buying BTC and ETH (while also attacking them to drive the price down to buy!). The government literally traded money for gold, because I don't know the last time you checked, most people don't have gold, they have fiat, but it wasn't always so, therefore a trade occurred. I'll tell you more in another article but start with a now modern classic, "WTF HAPPENED IN 1971?"
The elites will trade you information, and subscriptions, for money, which they can more easily invest in LAND. And what did they give the indigenous, the Liberals? Mere money, and intangibles, because they don't want to give any LAND BACK. Fuck 'land acknowledgements' compared to acknowledging unhonoured treaties.
ps. Also Food is finite-at-a-time, but what about Power and Influence? (TRICK QUESTION)