all events have causes -- so many, in fact, that stating any of them is misleading because it leaves out all the others
humans fantasize that events happen in a narrative which we impose on events with their radical multiplicity of causal history
narrative is a lie
often what people 'enjoy' about political content is a confirmation of tribal membership, which is toxic
I find it imperative to switch that off to think clearly
It doesn't actually make sense to say that to be dispassionate is one's passion
an agent can have preferences without having any conscious experience at all
they can be borne out in the system's behavior
to me preferring political content for my personal enjoyment is a moral transgression
we all have a civic duty to be informed
our feelings are not relevant
we all have a civic duty to track the collective conversation
even if we are congenitally unable to experience pleasure
did you skip brave new world?
or were you not sufficiently horrified by it?
have you never heard of "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman?
these were some of my early off-ramps off of hedonism
what an image...
I am driven far more by a sense of duty than of pleasure.
And, don't take this the wrong way, but "Consent culture has gone too far": what we are willing to do is a terrible guide through life
it leaves us lost with little guidance
and my consent is irrelevant if I have a duty to do something
many of the most important things I have to do are things I don't want to do
and things I am not paid to do
because someone else will do them worse
in economics it's called being the 'least cost avoider'
I can avoid a problem more cheaply than someone else? I have a duty then
I have a duty to apply my education and intelligence
to collective problems
you cannot construct a daily todo list or life path by merely asking 'which tasks would I consent to?'
and it is priviledge to primarily do what one wants to
a priviledge most have not been cursed with throughout history
one can find pleasure in one's duties, but not always
the pleasant duties are not somehow the more important
to write only pleasant music is to be a hack
that actions have delayed effects on gratification is no reason to reduce them to gratification
religious ideas of the afterlife teach us to delay gratification util after death
because religion encodes the moral insight that hedonism is wrong
in atheism we have experienced a decay into hedonism
I became atheist without becoming a hedonist in the process
gratification is just one theory of the good, and a profoundly imperfect one
I am not aware of a simple recipe to determine duty
one's felt sense of duty can misalign with moral principles prompting reflection and cultural discussion
sometimes the result is a war
choice does not logically entail conscious choice
since 'unconscious choice' is not a logical contradiction
as Freud taught us, the unconscious is the vast majority of the mind
so assuming 'choice' means 'conscious choice' is very misleading....
feelings are a small part of consciousness which is a small part of the mind
most of the mind is unfelt
you seem to be motivated to deny the dead part of reality
because it unsettles you