"may these serve you well with that rapey guy who came to your apartment"
[I typed these rules spontaneously last month online to a female friend who was being waay too charitable about a man who attended her home without her advance permission…]
- Consent entails obedience...
- Brats hate obedience so they hate consent
- The obedience consent entails is complete and total obedience to any boundary that counts as a 'personal' boundary
[What’s a personal boundary? Anything that satisfies these rules!]
- The obedience consent entails must be instantaneous, with no struggle, resistance, argument, or dispute
- Personal boundaries do not require justification
- Personal boundaries do not require explanation
- Personal boundaries do not require good reasons or motivations
- Personal boundaries are not negotiable
- Personal boundaries are not conditional
- Personal boundaries are not up for discussion
- What someone says when you assert a personal boundary is irrelevant to these rules
- Personal boundaries can take any tone -- no one has to set personal boundaries 'nicely' or 'politely' and they never owe a follow-up discussion
- If someone only respects personal boundaries when you're nice, they don't respect personal boundaries
- For this reason you should test men for your safety to see if their respect of your boundaries is tone-dependent